Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Moon Water: Phases and Benefits

Lady Luna is shining brightly as you set out your mason jar of freshly filtered spring water.  Silver moonbeams dance upon the earth as we slumber. They gently caress jars of water that have been left out in the night all over world, infusing them with Luna's powerful energy.  The dew kissed jars are collected, just before dawn breaks. 

I believe that we often limit ourselves, and through that, our magick solely because we follow what others are doing. We are often taught one way to do things and never question if we can expand on that. Moon water is just one example but that is what we will be discussing today.

We witches all rush to put our jars of water out for the full moon but do we ever consider what the energy of new moon water would be? What about a waxing or waning moon?  The different phases of the moon hold different energy so it stands to reason that we could make moon water to capture those varying elements as well. When you take astrological correspondences into consideration, the possibilities for magikcal moon waters are endless!

Full Moon Water- Most of you are familiar with Full Moon Water as that is what we tend to simply call "Moon Water" and what most witches make and use. The Full Moon holds cleansing and protective energies.  This is a time when we focus on release. The water made during this time also holds the same energies. You can drink the water (as long as it is safe, filtered water) and reinforce any ritual or spell work that was done on the full moon.  You can save this water for future purposes such as crystal cleansing.  You can also cleanse your altar tools, add it to a bath for your own cleansing, or use it in your home cleaning chores. Doing a protection spell? Incorporate full moon water.  This moon also aligns with the energies of the Mother Goddess aspect of the Triple Goddess so water collected during this time makes an excellent offering for Her. Mother Goddesses include Isis, Demeter, Rhiannon, Arianrhod, Brigid, Danu, Gaia, Hestia, Mary, etc.

Waning Gibbous Water- The Waning Gibbous moon is perfect for minor banishings. Water infused with waning gibbous energy will boost any minor banishing spells you are performing during this time or in the future. Safe-to-drink water can help banish illness or addictions as well as bad habits. Add it to your mop water to get rid of any unwanted negative energies in the home or use it to wash your front door and windows to repel them from the outside. 

Last Quarter Water- Water from the Last Quarter Moon can help you to remove obstacles. Use it in spells that aim to boost you over hurdles that may tempt you to give up. Last quarter moon water can also help to ease any transitions you may be going through. Use in rituals to help things flow with more ease. 

Waning Crescent Water- The Waning Crescent Moon is the time to make water that will assist you with the bigger banishings such as spells to end toxic relationships or situations. Waning moon water can assist in closing portals (blessed water) and can also aid in protection magick.

New Moon Water- The New Moon energy is about new beginnings, setting intentions, and planting the seeds that will grow with the lunar cycle. Water infused with new moon energy is great for manifestation spells and rituals. New moon water is extremely refreshing so it works well in facial spritzers, glamour magick and if safe to drink- revitalizing. Use it in a bath for its rejuvenating energies. The new moon aligns with the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess (The Morrigan, Dame Holda, Cerridwen, Baba Yaga, Hecate, etc) and is makes for a wonderful offering for Her. Because the moon energies align with the Crone aspect and many of the Dark Goddesses, water made during this time can assist with shadow work as well. 

Waxing Crescent Water- The energies of the Waxing Crescent Moon are nurturing and water infused with its energy is perfect for spell work or rituals for self-love, compassion, courage, and a positive mindset. Because of the nurturing energy of this water, it is great for watering your house plants and if safe to drink, give to your pets.  Scrying with waxing crescent moon water can also give you direction and guidance regarding the metaphysical seeds you planted on the new moon. The Maiden (Persephone, Artemis, Aphrodite, Freya, Ishtar, etc) aspect of the Triple Goddess is felt in the waxing crescent moon. Use this water as an offering for Her.

First Quarter Water- Use First Quarter Moon Water in spells or rituals for drawing things in- new job, love interest, success, money, etc. Sprinkle first quarter moon water coins and place them in your wallet to bring more money to you. Moon water made during the first quarter is also perfect for bringing dedication and resilience. Feeling unmotivated or lethargic- drink or do spell work using this moon water.

Waxing Gibbous Water- The water infused with the energy of the Waxing Gibbous Moon is perfect for fertility magick. Water made during this time can also be stirred into drinks to help with endurance. If you're finding yourself in a mode of resistance, use this moon water in a spell or ritual to help you overcome it. 

Our lovely Moon holds so much magick in every phase, not just when She is full.  Utilize the energies and let them work for you. Set your water out to capture the power that will help you boost your rituals and spell work. The moon is a wonderful reminder that no matter which phase we are in, we are always whole. 

Blessed Be. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Tips for Transitioning to Organic Gardening

Over the last 10 years or so, more people have become concerned about what they are putting on their lawn or using in their vegetable garden. Because of this, the organic gardening market has seen a rise in their sales. For some, you may be avoiding the change to organic lawn care and gardening because you feel that it will be a big hassle.  Following some of these simple and easy tips will help make the transition from a chemical lawn and garden to an organic one much simpler.

*Good soil is of high importance when it comes to gardening.  After you have selected your garden site, cleared it of grass and weeds, the soil will need to be amended with natural, vital nutrients.  Mix in products like bone and blood meal along with organic humus and compost. This will will give your plants a nutrient rich start. Make sure to rotate crops each season so that the soil is not completely leeched of these nutrients. Raised beds are a beginner gardener's friend. Having this defined space can be easier to keep watered and weeded, making it less intimidating to maintain as a newbie. 

*Natural weed control is a thing and it works.  Spreading corn (gluten) meal mixed with Epsom salt on your lawn prior to it greening up. *YES, the Epsom salt is completely safe to use!* This mixture will not only feed the lawn, it will act as a pre-emergent for weeds.  The CGM stops the weed seeds from germinating, thus giving you a natural weed-n-feed.  Use a mixture of white vinegar, dish soap, and Epsom salt to create a natural version or Round-Up. Simply spray the weeds directly on the stalk and down to its base along the ground and it will be dead within 24 hours. This works great on driveway and sidewalk sprouting weeds.

*Creating a compost pile is a necessity if you plan on growing fruits and/ or veggies. There are compost bins that you can purchase at local home improvement stores or you can make your own fairy easily and for a lot less money.  Wood shipping pallets nailed together to create a 3-sided box will work nicely.  Put some wire along the inside to keep your valuable compost loss to a minimum.  Add lawn and hedge clippings, fruit and vegetable rinds, and even tea bags to your compost pile. It is important to turn the compost heap once a week so a super-cool pitch fork might be a necessary purchase. This will ensure that it is all degrading evenly.

*Research beneficial bugs to help with pest control.  While there are definitely some insects that can wreak havoc on your lawn or vegetable garden, many bugs are highly beneficial. You can purchase larva or eggs to hatch online that come with instructions for their care. Lady bugs will help you control the aphid population that threatens your rose bushes. Praying mantis eat a variety of insects with no harm to your plants. Attract bees to your garden to help pollinate your fruits and vegetables by planting flowers within the area. 

*Choosing organic plants and seeds is simple these day. While this may seem like a no-brainer, you would be surprised at the number of people that go through the trouble to start an organic garden and then choose non-organic plants and seeds to grow. Garden stores have enlarged their organic plant and seed selection in recent years, often having an entire section dedicated to them and taking the guess work out of it. The plants and seeds will be labeled as organic. 

*Mulch. Mulch. Mulch. Using a thick layer of organic mulch is another necessity.  Mulch will help maintain the appropriate moisture level in the soil below it, effectively cutting your need for constant watering. Mulch is another form of natural weed control by blocking the sun's rays from the soil where would-be invaders would sprout up.  Done correctly, mulching feeds the soil’s living microorganisms with nutrients and the waste from these tiny microbes creates healthier soil structure for plants, limiting compaction of the soil.

Going organic may take a little more work up front, but the reward for a healthy earth and a healthy body is definitely worth it!

Witchify Your Life *Bringing the Magikal Into the Mundane*

You meant to put the jar of water out to charge in the full moon light. You meant to go apple picking and then bake an apple pie to celebrat...